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How Social Connections Keep Seniors Healthy

A group of seniors raise their glasses during a friendly brunch.

Social connections aren’t just nice to have—they’re essential for our loved one’s well-being. However, this can get more difficult as they grow older and move into new places.  Building and maintaining meaningful relationships is vital for promoting the overall health and well-being of aging adults. Conversely, social isolation can lead to serious health risks, including […]

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How to Choose a Retirement Community

A caregiver hugging an older adult from behind and smiling at the camera in a senior living community's common area.

Your loved one’s future home should feel welcoming, comfortable, and friendly—a place where they’re loved and valued as the unique person they are. To choose a senior living community, you should consider: Your loved one’s needs Different care options Services, programs, and amenities The location Cost and finances Consider Your Loved One’s Needs The first […]

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